
My child is 2 years old and has recently been suffering from a sore throat and frequent coughing, which is particularly severe at night. He has always been in good health until he was diagnosed with pneumonia after visiting the hospital. How should pediatric pneumonia be treated?


Pediatric pneumonia refers to lung inflammation caused by various pathogens or other factors. Most cases of pneumonia are due to the spread of an acute upper respiratory infection or bronchitis, or they can be secondary to respiratory infections like measles. Common pathogens include bacteria (such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, etc.) and viruses (such as parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, etc.). Some pediatric pneumonia patients develop secondary bacterial infections after viral infections, known as “mixed pneumonia.” In recent years, due to antibiotic misuse leading to dysbiosis, there has been an increasing number of cases of pneumonia caused by drug-resistant strains (such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and fungi). The treatment for pediatric pneumonia primarily depends on the severity of the condition and the type of pathogen. Generally, doctors will prescribe an appropriate medication treatment plan based on the examination results. If the pneumonia is caused by bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment may be required. For viral pneumonia, there are currently no specific medications available, so symptomatic treatment and enhanced care are mainly adopted. In addition, maintaining adequate rest, a balanced diet, avoiding cold stimuli, ensuring good indoor air circulation, and other measures are helpful for recovery. For this mother’s situation, there is no need to worry too much. Follow the doctor’s prescribed medication regimen on time and in the correct dosage, and pay attention to your child’s rest and nutritional intake. Provide a good living environment; in most cases, recovery will occur gradually. If symptoms worsen, persistent high fever, or difficulty breathing occur, please seek medical attention promptly.