
My child is a few months old and has recently developed a high fever after a cold, even experiencing seizures in the morning. I would like to ask, how should one handle the situation of an infant with fever and seizures? What should be done if the low-grade fever persists?


This condition may be due to an infection with certain bacteria or viruses, leading to persistent high fever. It is recommended to take your child to the hospital for a detailed examination as soon as possible to determine the cause. According to the doctor’s instructions, medication such as antibiotics may be required for treatment, along with staying hydrated, avoiding spicy foods, and increasing intake of vegetables and fruits. In daily life, maintain a regular schedule, ensure proper warmth, eat a light diet, avoid irritant foods, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water to prevent recurrence of the condition. If the situation does not improve or worsens, seek medical attention promptly. Thank you for your inquiry. Let me know if further assistance is needed.