
My child has been complaining about discomfort in their eyes, so I took them to a top-tier hospital for a check-up. The doctor said they have pediatric amblyopia. I would like to know what causes pediatric amblyopia?


Amblyopia is a condition that arises during the visual development stage due to abnormal visual experiences, such as strabismus, refractive anisometropia, high refractive ametropia, and visual suppression. This leads to reduced best-corrected visual acuity in one or both eyes without any organic changes in the eye examination. The age of treatment for amblyopia is very important; the younger the age, the better the outcome. For children who use their eyes excessively, the daily TV viewing time should be less than 2 hours, the distance from the eyes to the TV should be less than 3 meters, and the distance when reading for a long time should be less than 30 centimeters. Most children will have vision fatigue issues, and a small portion may experience amblyopia again.