What Are the Early Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Infants?
The early symptoms of cerebral palsy include:
- In the neonatal period, difficulties with breastfeeding, such as the infant not being able to suck, weak suction, or refusing to nurse, or becoming exhausted after feeding;
- Excessive quietness, soft crying, or persistent crying;
- Reduced spontaneous activity, muscle tone twisting, the whole body appearing soft and weak;
- The body may become stiff, often wriggling out of the cradle, with the head arching back, sometimes tilting to one side, and both lower limbs being rigid and tremoring;
- May exhibit symptoms such as being easily startled, twitching, screaming, or restlessness;
- Abnormal posture, such as the arms being drawn inwards and rotated inward, hands clenched into fists.