
My baby is now eight months old, but he cannot lift his head or crawl, which is significantly behind his peers. We suspect he may be lacking certain trace elements, so we took him to the hospital for a check-up. The results show that he has pediatric cerebral palsy. I want to know, is there a possibility of cure for this condition? Moreover, I’ve heard there are specialized hospitals for treating pediatric cerebral palsy in Henan, but I’m not sure which one?


Pediatric cerebral palsy refers to non-progressive brain damage or brain developmental abnormalities that occur before birth or within the first month after birth, leading to central motor disorders. Based on your description, your child’s condition does not seem severe and has been discovered early, which means timely treatment can be initiated. The best treatment approach is to visit a regular three-level A hospital for a detailed examination and to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the specific cause. As for the specialized hospitals for treating pediatric cerebral palsy in Henan, it is recommended to find reputable medical institutions locally to ensure the best treatment outcomes.