
A 7-year-old boy is suffering from otitis media, with symptoms such as ear pain, yellowish earwax discharge, headache, and fever, which also affect his hearing. What are the treatment methods?


For cases of hearing loss caused by otitis media, the following treatment methods can be considered:

  • Antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs: These can help reduce inflammation and infection.
  • Regional therapy: Anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used for direct application to the ear, alleviating inflammation and pain.
  • Pain relief: If ear pain is significant, pain relievers can be considered under a doctor’s advice to alleviate pain.
  • Fever reduction: If the child has a high fever, antipyretic medication can be administered. If the fever persists, medical attention should be sought promptly.
  • Persistent or severe symptoms: If symptoms persist or there are severe conditions such as perforation of the eardrum, immediate hospital treatment should be sought, which may require surgery.
  • Reasonable diet and lifestyle: Pay attention to a balanced diet for the child and develop regular sleep habits to help the disease recover as soon as possible. Please follow the doctor’s diagnosis and advice for treatment. Do not self-medicate. In case of persistent or worsening symptoms, seek professional medical help promptly.