
The parents were unaware of the situation with their baby and only learned about it later. They were especially worried and scared. Please ask: How should neonatal jaundice be treated?


Based on the baby’s yellow facial condition, it is considered to be neonatal jaundice. Generally, neonatal jaundice will disappear on its own within 2 weeks (assuming there are no infectious or organic diseases). If your baby’s jaundice does not disappear, you can take oral symptomatic medication and undergo blue light therapy to help remove the jaundice. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients need to go to a regular three-level A hospital for systematic and standardized examinations as soon as possible for symptomatic treatment. In addition, patients need to maintain regular work and rest times, do a good job of keeping warm, eat light and soft foods in daily meals, ventilate frequently, and drink plenty of hot water.