
A 6-year-old boy complaints of pain when swallowing, and his voice sounds hoarse during speech. He also has a low-grade fever. What dietary precautions should be taken for a child with tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, the daily diet should primarily be light and easy to digest. It’s recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits, as many fruits have a cooling and detoxifying effect, and are rich in vitamins that can help boost immunity and resist diseases. For instance, pears and apples, which have both cooling and anti-inflammatory properties, can be eaten more. When choosing food, it’s best to opt for items that are easy to digest, such as congee and noodles. Additionally, spicy and pungent foods like spicy hotpot, as well as foods like beef, mutton, and seafood that may cause inflammation, are not suitable for children. In daily life, it’s also important to help children develop good habits. This includes not only a healthy diet but also early to bed and early to rise, along with moderate exercise.