
Dear Baby, she is only 8 months old and just started to feel a sore throat when talking. I noticed that swallowing seems a bit difficult, and she has a persistent high fever. How should children with tonsillitis have a reasonable diet?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, the daily diet should primarily be light and light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored). It’s recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits, as they are relatively rich in nutrients and can greatly help boost the child’s immunity. We generally suggest choosing fruits that are neutral in nature and rich in vitamins, such as tangerines and kiwis. In terms of other foods, it’s advised to opt for soft, easily digestible dishes like well-cooked noodles and congee. Additionally, it’s important to avoid feeding the child trigger foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood, as these may exacerbate the symptoms. While ensuring proper diet, it’s also crucial not to be picky or biased in eating habits to avoid malnutrition and weakened resistance, which may lead to recurrence.