
Dear parents, my daughter is currently 1 year old. Initially, she had a slight sore throat, and I noticed that her voice was a bit hoarse when she spoke, accompanied by a low-grade fever. Could you please tell me what dietary restrictions should be avoided when a child has tonsillitis with fever?


If a child has tonsillitis, it’s important to maintain a light diet. Vegetables and fruits should be the mainstay, as they are not only rich in vitamins and trace elements but also help boost the immune system. These foods are also relatively light, making them good choices; for instance, pears, apples, tangerines, and kiwis are all good options. It’s best to choose foods that are easy to digest, such as congee or noodles. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water. Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid or reduce the intake of foods that are considered ‘hot’ or stimulating, such as lamb and dog meat. Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of tonsillitis, so it’s important to pay attention to it.