
My son is 9 years old and has recently started experiencing a sore throat, his voice is a bit hoarse, and he has a fever with a lack of energy. What are the dietary restrictions for pediatric tonsillitis?


For children with tonsillitis, it is recommended that parents take their child to the doctor promptly. In terms of diet, it is suggested to eat light and consume plenty of vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in various vitamins and trace elements, which help to enhance the child’s immunity. For example, fruits like pears and apples have the effect of clearing heat and reducing inflammation, so they can be eaten more. Daily meals should be light and easy to digest, such as congee and noodles, which are good choices. It is advisable to avoid spicy and irritant foods that may trigger allergies, while also helping the child break the bad habit of picky eating to ensure comprehensive nutrient absorption.