
Dear parents, my son is just over 6 months old and has just started to feel pain when swallowing water, even when drinking. I noticed that he is coughing quite severely, and he also has a low fever. What should a child with tonsillitis and a sore throat avoid eating?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to maintain a light diet. It is advisable to give the child more vegetables and fruits, which are not only light and non-irritating but also rich in nutrients to help fight off the disease. We generally suggest choosing fruits that are neutral in nature and high in vitamins, such as tangerines and kiwis. In daily meals, attention should be paid to easy digestion and swallowing, so it is recommended to mainly consume porridge and noodles. The noodles must be cooked soft. Additionally, it is important to drink plenty of plain water and eat less beef, mutton, dog meat, etc., as well as seafood, which should also be eaten in small amounts or not at all. While maintaining correct dietary habits, it is also important not to be picky or biased in eating to avoid malnutrition and weakened immunity, which may lead to a recurrence of the illness.