A one-year-old boy is experiencing symptoms such as sore throat, hoarseness, and persistent fever, which may indicate tonsillitis. In this situation, what dietary considerations should be taken for infants?
When an infant is diagnosed with tonsillitis, in addition to active treatment, dietary adjustments are crucial. It is recommended to provide fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in various nutrients and help boost the child’s immunity. For example, apples and kiwis not only help resolve phlegm but also moisten the lungs, having a positive effect on the treatment of tonsillitis. The daily diet should mainly consist of easily digestible and swallowable foods, such as thin porridge and soft noodles. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid eating irritant foods like poultry eggs, donkey meat, beef, and mutton. Additionally, cultivating good eating habits for the child is also necessary.