A boy, who is 2 years old, has recently started experiencing a sore throat, accompanied by severe coughing and slight fever. What dietary precautions should be taken when a child has tonsillitis?
It is crucial to seek medical attention promptly when a child is diagnosed with tonsillitis. At the same time, parents should ensure their child consumes plenty of vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients and help boost immunity, promoting the recovery of the tonsils. It is recommended to choose fruits like pears, kiwis, and tangerines, as these fruits have a cooling and detoxifying effect. Also, pay attention to selecting easily digestible foods for the child, such as porridge, cooked noodles, or noodles. Moreover, encourage the child to drink plenty of plain water, reduce the intake of foods that may trigger symptoms such as beef and mutton, dog meat, and try to minimize or avoid seafood consumption. Finally, help the child develop good eating habits.