A 9-year-old boy, in elementary school, initially complained of pain when swallowing water. He also has a severe cough and now has a persistent high fever. What should be paid attention to in the diet for a child with tonsillitis and low fever?
Tonsillitis is one of the more common diseases and requires timely treatment. While treating the condition, it is important to ensure the child consumes vegetables and fruits. The reason for encouraging the child to eat more vegetables and fruits is to supplement vitamins and trace elements, which help boost the immune system and facilitate a quick recovery. However, when choosing fruits, it is important to avoid those that are too cold. Opt for fruits like apples and kiwis that are neutral in nature. For staple foods, choose something soft and easy to digest, such as congee or noodles, to prevent difficulties in swallowing or exacerbation of constipation. Additionally, avoid giving the child spicy and irritant foods like spicy hotpot or foods that may cause allergic reactions such as beef, mutton, and seafood. Lastly, it is also important to help the child develop good eating habits.