
Dear reader, my daughter is currently 6 years old. Initially, she had a slight sore throat, accompanied by mild coughing and a low-grade fever. What should be paid attention to in terms of diet when a baby or young child has tonsillitis and keeps crying?


Tonsillitis is one of the more common diseases that require timely treatment. During treatment, it’s important to ensure the child consumes vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients that can help boost the child’s immunity, thus aiding in the repair of the tonsils. For instance, pears are cooling in nature and have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, expectorating phlegm, and alleviating pain. They can help relieve the discomfort associated with acute tonsillitis. It’s also essential to choose easily digestible foods for the child, such as thin porridge, noodles cooked until they are soft, and noodles with skin. Furthermore, it’s crucial not to give children foods that may exacerbate the condition, such as seafood or dog meat. Lastly, it’s important to help the child develop good eating habits.