
My son is 2 years old. Initially, he said he felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed he had a slight cough and a low-grade fever. How can an infant or toddler with tonsillitis have a reasonable diet?


Upon discovering that your child has tonsillitis, it is essential to treat them promptly. For daily meals, it’s recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, as many of these have cooling and detoxifying effects, are rich in vitamins that can enhance immunity, and help fight off diseases. Fruits like apples and kiwis can also aid in expectoration and relieve the discomfort associated with tonsillitis in infants and toddlers. Moreover, choose easy-to-swallow and digestible foods like porridge. It’s also important to drink plenty of plain water, reduce the intake of foods like beef, mutton, dog meat that can cause discomfort, and seafood should be eaten sparingly or not at all. Parents should also assist their children in developing good eating habits, ensuring hygiene, health, and avoiding picky eating.