
A 11-year-old boy, now in elementary school, has just started feeling a bit of pain in his throat, with more severe coughing. Additionally, he has a persistent high fever. What should be paid attention to in the diet when infants and young children have tonsillitis and cry a lot?


When a child has tonsillitis, it’s important to not only treat it promptly but also pay close attention to their diet. Firstly, it’s recommended to include more fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet, as they are rich in vitamins and can help boost immunity and improve symptoms. When choosing fruits, opt for those with a neutral nature, such as tangerines and kiwis, which are rich in vitamins. Moreover, for their diet, it’s advised to select easily digestible foods like cooked pasta and porridge. However, be cautious to avoid spicy and irritant foods as well as those that may trigger allergic reactions. Parents should also cultivate good eating habits in their children, ensuring food hygiene and health, and avoiding picky eating or fussy eating.