Dear Baby, she is only 7 months old and just started to have a sore throat, with a hoarse voice when talking, and has been a bit feverish. What dietary precautions should be taken for infant tonsillitis?
While treating infant tonsillitis, dietary considerations are also crucial. Generally, it is recommended to give the child more fruits and vegetables, which are not only rich in vitamins and trace elements but also help boost immunity and are relatively light in taste. However, when choosing fruits, avoid those that are too cold. Opt for some neutral ones, such as apples and kiwis. You can also choose easily digestible foods like thin porridge or well-cooked noodles. But be mindful to avoid spicy and irritant foods, as well as those that may cause allergies at this stage. Also, pay attention to helping the child correct picky eating and aversion to food habits to ensure comprehensive nutrient absorption.