
My daughter is 7 years old. She recently started complaining of a sore throat, accompanied by a slight cough, and it seems like she has had a low fever that hasn’t subsided. What dietary tips should be considered for red swelling of infants’ and toddlers’ tonsillitis?


While treating children’s tonsillitis, dietary considerations are also of great importance. It is generally recommended to give children more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients that can help boost the child’s immunity, thereby aiding in the repair of the tonsils. For example, fruits like pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed more. The daily diet should primarily consist of light, easy-to-digest, and easy-to-swallow foods such as porridge and noodles. Additionally, it is important to drink plenty of plain water and to eat less beef, mutton, dog meat, etc., which are considered to cause heat. It is also best to eat less or no seafood. Finally, parents should help their children develop good living habits, maintain regular schedules, and engage in moderate exercise to enhance immunity, thereby significantly reducing the incidence of diseases.