
Dear Parent, my son is just over 4 months old. He’s just started to complain that drinking water is painful, and when he speaks, his voice is a bit hoarse. Moreover, he has a persistent high fever. I would like to ask: What should a baby with tonsillitis avoid eating during crying and fussing?


If a child has tonsillitis, the diet should be kept light, with a focus on vegetables and fruits. These foods are rich in vitamins, which can help boost the immune system. For example, the peel of tangerines contains a lot of vitamin C, which has good anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, you can choose some easily digestible foods for the child, such as thin porridge or well-cooked noodles. Moreover, avoid giving the child spicy and stimulating foods like spicy hotpot and also avoid allergenic foods such as beef, mutton, and seafood. Also, be mindful to help correct the child’s bad habits of picky eating and anorexia to ensure that they absorb a balanced diet.