
Dear Baby, currently 5 years old, just started to feel a bit of pain in the throat, noticed that the coughing seems more severe, and it seems like the low fever hasn’t gone away. What can infants and toddlers with tonsillitis during low fever eat more of?


A healthy diet is very important for the quick recovery of a child with tonsillitis. First, it’s best to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only rich in vitamins and trace elements but also help boost immunity. They are also relatively light and can be chosen from pears, kiwis, and tangerines, among others. They also have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. It’s also important to choose easily digestible foods for the child, such as porridge or noodles that are well-cooked and soft. Additionally, it’s important to drink plenty of plain water and eat less beef, mutton, dog meat, and other stimulating foods. Seafood should also be eaten less or not at all. While maintaining a correct diet, it’s also important not to be picky or biased in eating habits to avoid nutritional deficiencies and weakened resistance, which may lead to recurrence.