
My child is a 3-year-old boy. He first mentioned that it hurt to swallow, and I noticed he had a slight cough. Additionally, he seems to have a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away. What are the appropriate dietary recommendations for a child with swallowing difficulties due to tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to have a light diet, consuming more vegetables and fruits as they are rich in vitamins, which help boost the immune system and improve symptoms. For example, pears are cooling and have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, expectorating phlegm, and relieving pain, which can alleviate the discomfort in the throat caused by acute tonsillitis. Daily meals should primarily consist of light, easy-to-digest, and easy-to-swallow foods, such as congee and noodles. In addition, spicy and pungent foods like spicy hotpot and foods like beef, mutton, and seafood are not suitable for children. Tonsillitis in children may lead to some complications that are very harmful to their health, so parents should assist their children in receiving proper treatment.