
A four-month-old girl baby is experiencing sore throat, severe cough, and low-grade fever, suspected of tonsillitis. What dietary precautions should be taken in this situation?


Tonsillitis is quite common in children, and immediate medical attention should be sought upon detection. In terms of diet, it is recommended to focus on light vegetables and fruits, which are not only light but also rich in vitamins and trace elements, helping to enhance the child’s resistance. Fruits can be chosen from pears, apples, etc., while vegetables can include green vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes, etc., based on the child’s preferences. For staple foods, it is best to choose soft and fine items like congee or noodles to avoid affecting swallowing or exacerbating constipation. It is advisable to avoid giving the child spicy and irritant foods such as spicy hotpot and as well as allergens like beef, mutton, seafood, etc. At the same time, attention should be paid to helping the child correct picky eating and aversion to food habits to ensure adequate nutrition.