
My daughter is 2 years old and has recently been experiencing sore throat, cough, and low-grade fever, which may indicate pediatric tonsillitis. How should I adjust her diet?


While treating pediatric tonsillitis, dietary considerations are equally important. It is recommended to give your child more fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in nutrients that can boost the child’s immune system. Choices like pears, apples, green vegetables, cabbage, and tomatoes are good options. For staple foods, opt for softer options such as congee or noodles to avoid affecting swallowing or exacerbating the condition. While maintaining a light diet, it is advisable to reduce intake of foods that may trigger inflammation, such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef or mutton. Also, be mindful not to be picky or have a biased diet to avoid nutritional imbalance that may affect immunity and increase the risk of recurrence.