Dear Parent, my daughter is currently 4 years old. Initially, she complained of pain when swallowing, accompanied by a slight cough and a slight fever. What should we pay attention to in the diet when a child has tonsillitis?
When treating pediatric tonsillitis, dietary considerations are also of great importance. It is generally recommended to give children more fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in vitamins and trace elements, and are relatively light, which can help in treating the disease. When choosing fruits, it is best to avoid those that are too cold, and opt for fruits with a neutral nature, such as apples and kiwis. In terms of other foods, it is suggested to choose soft and easily digestible foods, such as well-cooked noodles and congee. Additionally, spicy and irritant foods like spicy hotpots and beef and mutton, as well as seafood, are not suitable for children. Diet plays a key role in the treatment of tonsillitis, so attention must be paid to it.