
A six-year-old boy is experiencing swallowing pain, mild cough, and low-grade fever, diagnosed with tonsillitis. What dietary considerations should be taken during this period?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to adopt a light diet, encouraging the child to consume more vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins and trace elements, thereby enhancing immunity and accelerating recovery. For example, the vitamin C-rich peel of kumquats has good anti-inflammatory effects. It is advisable to choose foods that are easy to swallow and digest, such as thin porridge. At the same time, avoid eating irritant foods such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, beef, and mutton. While maintaining a light diet, it is also important not to be picky or have a biased diet to avoid malnutrition that may lead to decreased resistance and increase the risk of recurrence.