
My daughter is 9 years old and has recently been experiencing a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. Could this be tonsillitis? If so, what dietary precautions should be taken?


If a child has tonsillitis, the first dietary consideration is to maintain a light diet. Fruits and vegetables should be the mainstay, as many fruits have cooling and detoxifying properties, and are rich in vitamins that can help boost immunity and fight off diseases. For instance, pears are cooling and have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, resolving phlegm, and alleviating pain, which can help relieve the symptoms of acute tonsillitis. It’s recommended to choose easily digestible foods, such as porridge or noodles that are well-cooked. Additionally, it’s important to encourage the child to drink plenty of plain water, reduce the intake of spicy foods like beef and mutton, dog meat, and seafood should also be eaten in moderation or avoided altogether. Lastly, it’s crucial to help the child develop good eating habits.