
Baby girl, currently 1 year old, at first, felt a sore throat when speaking, noticed slight coughing, and a bit of fever as well, not very energetic. What are the dietary taboos for children with tonsillitis and high fever?


Children’s tonsils are prone to inflammation, and once it occurs, it should be checked and treated as soon as possible. The dietary recommendation is to focus on light vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in vitamins and trace elements and are relatively light, which is beneficial for the treatment of the disease. For example, fruits like pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory effects and can be eaten more. Daily meals should mainly consist of light, easy-to-digest, and easy-to-swallow foods such as congee and noodles. In addition, spicy and irritant foods like spicy hotpot, as well as foods like beef, mutton, and seafood that are considered to cause heat in Chinese medicine, are not suitable for children to eat. During the treatment of tonsillitis, in addition to following the doctor’s advice, parents should also help their children develop good eating and living habits to promote early recovery.