
Dear Baby, she’s just one month old. Initially, she felt pain when drinking water, and her cough was quite severe. Additionally, it seems like she has been running a low fever that hasn’t gone away. What should we pay attention to in the diet when a child has tonsillitis and a sore throat?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to maintain a light diet. It is advisable to give the child more vegetables and fruits, as these are not only light but also rich in various vitamins and trace elements needed by the body. This can obviously help the child resist the disease. Options include pears, watermelons, tangerines, and pomegranates. When it comes to vegetables, green leafy vegetables and tomatoes are good choices. It is also recommended to choose easily digestible foods such as porridge or noodles cooked until they are soft, which are very suitable for children during the treatment period. At the same time, parents should also pay attention not to let the child eat spicy and irritant foods and services, and also help correct the child’s bad habits of being picky or refusing to eat, ensuring comprehensive absorption of nutrition.