
My daughter is 8 years old. Initially, she felt a sore throat when speaking, and she also had a slight cough. She’s been a bit feverish. What dietary restrictions should be followed if a child has tonsillitis and lacks appetite?


If a child has tonsillitis, it is crucial to seek medical assistance first. Meanwhile, parents should encourage their child to consume more vegetables and fruits, which contain nutrients that help boost the immune system and aid in the repair of the tonsils. Foods like pears, apples, tangerines, and kiwis can be chosen, and emphasis should be placed on providing easily digestible foods such as congee, soft noodles, or noodles. Also, encourage your child to drink plenty of plain water. Reduce the intake of foods that may trigger inflammation, such as beef and mutton, and dogs meat. It is recommended to eat seafood in small amounts or not at all. In daily life, help your child develop good habits. In addition to healthy eating, attention should be paid to regular sleep patterns and moderate exercise.