
Dear Baby, currently 1 year old, just started to have a slight sore throat, noticed that when she talks, her voice is a bit hoarse, and now she has a persistent high fever. Please ask: What dietary considerations should be noted for children with strep throat?


Strep throat is one of the more common diseases, and timely treatment is required. During treatment, children should be given vegetables and fruits such as apples and kiwis, which are rich in vitamins and help boost immunity. These fruits also have the effects of resolving phlegm, clearing heat, and moistening the lungs, which are very helpful for the treatment of strep throat. For staple foods, choose soft and fine dishes such as congee and noodles to avoid affecting swallowing or exacerbating constipation. Additionally, drink plenty of plain water, and eat less beef, mutton, dog meat, and other foods that may trigger symptoms. It’s best to eat less or not at all seafood. Diet plays an important role in the treatment of strep throat, so attention must be paid to it.