
A 5-year-old boy recently has been experiencing pain when swallowing and a noticeable cough, accompanied by a slight fever. Is this a sign of pediatric tonsillitis? What dietary principles should a child with tonsillitis follow?


If a child has tonsillitis, diet is also very important in addition to treatment. It is recommended to consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as they are rich in vitamins that help boost the immune system. Pears, apples, tangerines, and kiwis are good choices. For staple foods, it is suggested to choose soft and fine dishes such as congee and noodles to avoid affecting swallowing or worsening the condition. Avoid spicy or irritating foods, as well as some allergenic foods. Additionally, cultivating good eating habits in children, avoiding picky eating, helps maintain a balanced diet and reduce the risk of tonsillitis.