
My son is 4 years old and has been complaining that it hurts to swallow, with more severe coughing and a persistent low fever. What dietary precautions should I take for a child with tonsillitis?


A child’s diet is very important for a quick recovery from tonsillitis. Firstly, it’s best to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, as they are not only light but also rich in various vitamins and trace elements that can help the child fight off the illness. Fruits like pears and apples, for example, have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be eaten more. For staple foods, opt for softer options like congee or noodles to avoid affecting swallowing or causing constipation that could worsen the condition. Additionally, it’s advisable to eat less of foods that might trigger inflammation, such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef or mutton. Complications from tonsillitis can be very harmful to a child’s health, so parents must assist in providing proper treatment.