
My son is 7 years old. Initially, he had a slight sore throat, and I noticed that his voice was a bit hoarse when he spoke, accompanied by a low-grade fever. How should a child with tonsillitis have a reasonable diet?


Diet is also very important during the treatment of tonsillitis. It is recommended that mothers give their children more vegetables and fruits, as fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and trace elements and are relatively light, which is very helpful for the treatment of the disease. For example, the peel of tangerines contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a good anti-inflammatory effect. You can also choose some easily digestible foods for the child, such as porridge that is not too thick or noodles that are well cooked. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of plain water. However, it is best to avoid foods that may trigger allergic reactions, such as seafood and dog meat. Finally, it is also important to help the child develop good eating habits.