
Dear Baby, currently 2 years old, at first, said she felt pain when swallowing, noticed that, coughing was more severe, and it seems like she has a low fever that hasn’t gone away. Please ask: What should a child eat during the treatment of tonsillitis swelling?


If a child develops tonsillitis, the diet should first be kept light, focusing mainly on vegetables and fruits. Many fruits have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and are rich in vitamins, which can help boost immunity and resist diseases. For example, apples and kiwis also have the functions of regulating qi and resolving phlegm, and moistening lungs, which are very helpful for tonsillitis. In daily diet, it is recommended to choose easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to eat some irritants such as seafood and dog meat, as these are detrimental to the condition. Finally, parents should help children develop good living habits, maintain regular schedules, engage in moderate exercise, and enhance immunity, which can greatly reduce the incidence of diseases.