
My daughter is 6 years old. Initially, she had a slight sore throat, and I noticed she was coughing quite severely. Additionally, it seems like she has had a low fever that hasn’t gone away. What are the dietary taboos for children with tonsillitis without appetite?


While treating pediatric tonsillitis, it is also important to pay attention to the diet. It is generally recommended to give children more fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in nutrients that can boost their immunity and aid in the repair of the tonsils. For example, fruits like pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed more. Additionally, it is advisable to choose foods that are easier to digest, such as well-cooked noodles and congee. At the same time, it is best to avoid giving children foods that can exacerbate the condition, such as seafood and dog meat. Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of tonsillitis, so it must be paid close attention to.