
My daughter is 5 years old and has recently been suffering from a sore throat, hoarseness, and fever with a lack of energy. What should I pay attention to when she has tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is first important to pay attention to daily diet. It should mainly consist of light foods, and you can eat more vegetables and fruits, which have a cooling and detoxifying effect. These foods are also rich in vitamins, which help boost the immune system to resist diseases. For example, the peel of tangerines contains abundant vitamin C, which is very effective for inflammation. Additionally, choose easily digestible foods like thin porridge or soft noodles. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water. Moreover, avoid or reduce the consumption of spicy meats like lamb and dog meat. Parents should help their children develop good living habits, maintain regular sleep schedules, engage in moderate exercise, and boost immunity to reduce the likelihood of illness.