
Baby boy, 8 months old, has a sore throat, accompanied by slight coughing and low-grade fever. What are the dietary principles for children with tonsillitis?


It is recommended that the mother take the child to the doctor promptly. During the treatment period, the diet should primarily consist of light vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and trace elements and help the child fight off the illness. When selecting fruits, it is best to avoid those that are too cold, such as apples and kiwis, as fruits with a balanced nature are more suitable. For other foods, it is advisable to choose those that are easy to digest, such as soft cooked noodles and congee. At the same time, it is important to avoid eating seafood and dog meat, which can easily worsen the condition. Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of tonsillitis, so please pay attention to it.