
Dear Baby, currently 6 years old, at first, said she felt pain when swallowing, noticed that her voice was a bit hoarse during speaking, and has been a bit feverish. What are the dietary taboos for a child with tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis, it is important to arrange a reasonable diet for the child. Firstly, it is recommended to give the child more vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in vitamins and trace elements and relatively light, which is very helpful for the treatment of the disease. For fruits, options like pears and apples are suggested, and for vegetables, greens, cabbage, and tomatoes are all good choices. You can choose according to the child’s preferences. It is also recommended to choose some easily digestible foods; cooking porridge or softening noodles are very suitable for children during the treatment period. However, it is important to avoid spicy and irritant foods, as well as certain trigger foods during this stage. In addition to cooperating with the doctor, parents should also help children develop good dietary and living habits to aid in an early recovery.