
A two-month-old male infant is experiencing symptoms of sore throat, severe cough, and persistent high fever, which may indicate tonsillitis. What dietary restrictions should be observed in this situation?


During the treatment of tonsillitis, dietary adjustment is equally important. It is recommended to provide children with a variety of vegetables and fruits, which have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, and are rich in vitamins to enhance immunity and combat diseases. When selecting fruits, avoid overly cold varieties and opt for fruits with a balanced nature, such as apples and kiwis. The diet should primarily consist of easily digestible foods like congee or noodles. At the same time, reduce the intake of irritant foods such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, beef, and mutton. While maintaining a light diet, also be mindful to avoid picky eating habits in children to prevent malnutrition and a decrease in resistance, which can increase the risk of recurrence.