
A nine-month-old girl has shown symptoms of tonsillitis, including throat pain when speaking, difficulty swallowing, and persistent high fever. In such a situation, what types of food should be given to alleviate swallowing difficulties and promote recovery?


In addition to active treatment, dietary adjustment is also crucial for children with tonsillitis. It is recommended to increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as tangerine peels rich in vitamin C, which have anti-inflammatory effects and aid in the repair of the tonsils. Daily meals should primarily consist of easily digestible and easy-to-swallow foods, such as thin porridge and soft noodles. Moreover, adequate water intake should not be overlooked. It is advisable to avoid foods like mutton and dog meat, which are considered to cause heat, and to cultivate good eating habits in children, avoiding picky eating and one-sidedness to ensure a balanced diet and reduce the likelihood of recurrent tonsillitis.