
A 13-year-old boy, in elementary school, initially experienced a slight sore throat, and found that swallowing was a bit difficult. Now, he has a persistent high fever. What should be paid attention to in the diet when a child has tonsillitis?


It’s very important to focus on diet for the quick recovery of a child with tonsillitis. Firstly, ensure they consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients that can help boost the child’s immunity. For fruits, options like pears and apples are recommended, while vegetables like green leafy vegetables, cabbage, and tomatoes are also good choices. You can select based on the child’s preferences. Pay attention to easy-to-digest and easy-to-swallow foods in daily meals. It’s suggested to primarily include porridge and soft noodles, making sure the noodles are cooked to be very soft. Additionally, try to avoid giving the child foods that may exacerbate the symptoms, such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood. Finally, parents should help children develop good living habits, maintain regular routines, and engage in moderate exercise to enhance immunity, which can greatly reduce the incidence of diseases.