
My daughter is 8 years old. At first, she said her throat was sore, and I noticed she had a severe cough and a bit of a fever, and she seemed lackluster. What are the dietary restrictions for children with tonsillitis?


Tonsillitis is a common disease that requires timely treatment. During the treatment period, it is recommended that children focus on the intake of vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in cooling and detoxifying ingredients and vitamins, which help to boost immunity and resist diseases. Good choices include pears, apples, tangerines, and kiwis. Additionally, daily diet should pay attention to easy-to-digest and easy-to-swallow foods, with porridge and bread as the main staple foods, and the bread should be cooked soft. At the same time, avoid spicy and irritant foods and ingredients that may cause allergies. It is especially important to help children break bad habits of picky eating to ensure comprehensive nutrient absorption.