
Dear Sir, my son is just over 2 months old. He has just started to complain of pain when drinking water, and it seems difficult for him to swallow. He also has a slight fever and lacks energy. What are the dietary restrictions for a child with red, swollen tonsillitis?


If you discover that your child has tonsillitis, it is essential to treat it promptly. In daily meals, it is recommended to include more vegetables and fruits, which are not only light and non-irritating but also rich in nutrients, helping to boost the immune system. Recommended fruits include pears, kiwis, and tangerines, which have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. In terms of other foods, it is suggested to choose easily digestible foods such as well-cooked noodles and congee. It is advisable to avoid giving your child foods such as beef, mutton, poultry eggs, and seafood, as well as spicy and irritant foods like spicy hotpot and hotpot. Finally, parents should help their children develop good living habits, including regular sleep schedules and moderate exercise, to enhance immunity and reduce the incidence of diseases.