
A 13-year-old boy, in elementary school, started experiencing pain when swallowing and drinking water. He also noticed that his coughing seemed more severe and he’s had a slight fever. What are the dietary restrictions for children with tonsillitis?


Children are prone to tonsillitis, so early examination and treatment are important. Dietarily, it is recommended to focus on light and easily digestible vegetables and fruits, such as pears, watermelons, tangerines, pomegranates, green leafy vegetables, and tomatoes, which are rich in nutrients that can enhance immunity and help the tonsils recover. For staple foods, options like congee or soft noodles can be chosen. It is best to avoid foods that may exacerbate the condition, such as seafood and dog meat. Proper diet is crucial for the treatment of tonsillitis; it must be taken into account.