
My daughter is 9 years old. She recently started to feel a sore throat when speaking, and now she’s experiencing severe coughing, and she has a persistent high fever. What dietary considerations should I take into account if my child has tonsillitis and lacks appetite?


Children’s tonsils are prone to inflammation, and it is important to seek medical attention and treatment as soon as possible once it occurs. For diet, it is recommended to focus on light foods such as vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients and can effectively boost the child’s immunity. Choices can include pears, kiwis, and tangerines, which also have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. In terms of daily diet, it should be light, easy to digest, and easy to swallow, such as congee or noodles. Additionally, avoid giving children spicy and pungent foods like spicy hotpot or Sichuan hotpot, as well as foods that may trigger inflammation, such as beef, mutton, and seafood. Also, be mindful to help correct bad habits like picky eating and anorexia to ensure comprehensive nutrient absorption.