
Dear Parent, My daughter is 7 years old and has just started experiencing pain when drinking water. She has a severe cough and seems to have a low-grade fever that hasn’t subsided. What should I pay attention to in her diet if she has tonsillitis?


If a child is diagnosed with tonsillitis, it is very important to seek medical attention immediately. At the same time, parents should also pay attention to ensuring their child consumes more vegetables and fruits. These not only taste light but also are rich in various vitamins and trace elements needed by the body, helping to resist diseases. It is recommended to choose fruits like pears and apples, as well as vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, cabbage, and tomatoes. Daily meals should focus on light, easy-to-digest, and easy-to-swallow foods, such as congee and noodles. Additionally, it is important to limit the intake of irritants such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef and mutton. Moreover, helping the child develop good habits is also essential, including healthy eating, early to bed and early to rise, and moderate exercise.