
A two-year-old boy is experiencing a sore throat, hoarseness, and persistent high fever, which may be due to tonsillitis causing difficulty in swallowing. How should one arrange a reasonable diet for him?


During the treatment of a child’s tonsillitis, dietary management is equally important. It is recommended to provide a variety of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and trace elements, have a mild taste, and can significantly aid in the treatment of the disease. For example, pears and apples have the effects of clearing heat and reducing inflammation, making them suitable for frequent consumption. Additionally, choosing easily digestible foods such as thin congee or soft noodles is also a good option. It is advisable to avoid giving spicy and stimulating foods as well as allergens. At the same time, attention should be paid to helping the child overcome picky eating and anorexia habits to ensure balanced nutrient absorption.