
A 5-year-old boy, at first, felt pain when swallowing water or drinking, and noticed that his voice was a bit hoarse. He also had a slight fever and seemed listless. What dietary considerations should be taken for children with tonsillitis and swallowing difficulties?


Diet is also a crucial aspect during the treatment of tonsillitis. It is recommended to give the child more vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and help boost the immune system. Choose fruits with neutral properties like apples and kiwis, and avoid overly cold fruits. Opt for easily digestible foods such as congee or soft noodles, which are suitable for consumption during the treatment period. Also, avoid giving the child spicy foods such as seafood or dog meat, as these can be detrimental to the condition. Additionally, be mindful of helping the child correct picky eating habits to ensure a balanced intake of nutrition.